Beyond Greed

Basic Bliss | Togo Smials' LiveJournal | MozDawg DAV | CityZen

"A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true."

Anchor for this item  posted May 05, 2003 at 1:06 p.m. MDT

Hearts and Minds: Aid and reconstruction in Iraq - Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq (CASI)
"The politicisation of relief complicates the provision of aid, and may yet scupper the effective reconstruction of Iraq. At its worst, using humanitarian aid as a political or military tool to woo the 'hearts and minds' of the Iraqi population risks prolonging suffering, entrenching unilateralism, and reducing the willingness of states to contribute towards the rebuilding of Iraq".





Human need, not corporate greed ... without justice, there can be no peace. That's the meme stringing these items together.

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