posted March 13, 2002 at 10:07 a.m. MDT
* In The Myth of the Global Economy Mark Weisbrot (he's co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research,) writes, "Sadly, more than 60 years after World War II pulled this country out of the Great Depression, military Keynesianism is still the only expansionary fiscal policy that can command a majority among our political class. Hence the real economic stimulus package of the Bush Administration, whether calculated as such or not: the War Without End. It seems that globalization is not only area of economic debate where ideology has crowded out reason." Ya ... I can't celebrate that it's taken this long for the penny to drop, but ... ya, that's right."
I'm reminded here of the "Our Present" section of the Aligning With Purpose site, which reads in part, "When we first started exploring the problems in our world, we noticed that the U.S. government wasn't really working for "the people" ... that our justice system wasn't really just ... that our press wasn't really free ... and that our foundations weren't really a positive influence in our future.
* Also on the Commondreams site:
- America as Sparta - WHEN DID ATHENS become Sparta? When did America redefine itself so profoundly around war?
- The villains nail yet another good-guy: "Journalist Gunned Down by Israeli Tank"