Beyond Greed

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"A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true."

Anchor for this item  posted March 09, 2002 at 9:08 p.m. MDT

A new Solidarity Village FAQ for Kananaskis.

* Here's a new report from the Wurhld Bank: Globalization, Growth and Poverty: Building an Inclusive World Economy
* There are a few interesting things on this US Government page, Economics & Trade Issues, Information Resource Center, US Embassy (Dominican Republic):
- 1) How do you feel when you hear that a USGov spokesman declares, "No Development Without Growth"? Dunno ... it gives me the whillies! More on this here: "Larson Interview on Financing for Development" and here: "Zoellick Urges Latin America to Continue Economic Reforms".
- 2) The page promotes a document called "Economic Freedom of The World 2001 Annual Report ", and who are the authors but our own Fraser Insitute stooges! BTW, "economic freedom" is one of FrazuhrInst's "research areas" ... ain't that spookey?! Oh ya, and the URL is wrong ... the doc is actually here
* I'm sensing a theme here ... some sort of meme ... maybe reading about the "Paradigm shift at the center of pre-Monterrey debate" will make me feel more secure? *yaaaa, right!*

Here's something I wrote for MobGlob's G7 Working Group:

As it was stated in MobGlob minutes:
"G7 finance ministers in halifax first week of june these are the real players and they are coming to us! (The G7 was in hfx in 1995)
A working group started (bottom-lined by ben tremblay [that's me! bdt]) for the G7 welcoming committee that will try to expand past the confines of mobglob to bring the community together in organizing actions that will connect local issues to the global trends talk of teach-ins, reclaiming space, "shut-down style activity", launch of caravan to alberta for G8."

So here we are!

1st off, I need to hear from you. Would you write with whatever's on your mind concerning P7? ... what you think we should start with, what you'd like to see, how we can outreach, how much time you can kick in, whatever. If I don't hear from you, then nothing will happen. Those who feel like getting together to brainstorm, ya gotta let it be known.
2nd. I need to hear from you (see above).
3rd ... ya, that's right

What I'm hoping is that we can have something like a teach in that will at once lay the foundation for what will be happening here and in Alberta during the G8, but might also focus on the finance ministers themselves, since they'll actually be here. I think list of demands would be nice.





Human need, not corporate greed ... without justice, there can be no peace. That's the meme stringing these items together.

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